“Hi, got a small favor to ask”.
No matter where you stand on Bernie Sanders, one thing’s for sure. He’s a character…and as of this writing the Democratic front-runner. Granted some of his proposals are out there and he’s a little quirky. Makes him a fun character to have some fun with…particularly, since this BLOG time slot was dedicated to another project, one that’s in the can, but on the back burner.
What’s that, does Bernie have a moniker, tag line per se? Well, just like the guy who said the ‘rents too damn high’, Bernie’s could be: “I’m sick & tired”. Bernie had a cardiac episode back in early October.
He’s been asked about it. And apparently it was all due to a few disagreeable tacos…
Check out his newest campaign video if TC & Co were his creative agency (below).
by:+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services
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