Tom Clifford
4 min readMar 31, 2022

Sag Awards pave the way for Oscars and Will Smith

We left off last month with the post script of the Screen Actors Guild Awards about to take place on Sunday night February 27th. It be — the first of the guilds to give out their big prizes this season. The guilds — your Screen Actors Guild, Directors Guild, Producers Guild and your Writers Guild make particularly interesting predictors of Oscar season. The Golden Globes are chosen by some of the same voters, of which Will Smith won for Best Actor in King Richard…as well as a SAG (*Actor) statue. This might be the time to mention that Golden Globe saying: Be careful what you wish for!

It starts to get intense the week before they broadcast the SAG Awards. The DVD squares sent through Snail mail arrive two at a time. This is in tandem to digital streaming links provided by the likes of: itunes, Disney, Netflix, Hulu, HBO and Amazon. Some days you can’t remember which one was watched and its content. Early in the process, aspects of SAG performances are jotted down before early dementia sets in.

And of course there are the BAFTA Awards across the pond. It was the 75th British Academy Film Awards, also known as the BAFTAs, that were held on March 13th, 2022 at the Royal Albert Hall in London, honoring the best national and foreign films of 2021. Check out (the clip) of this year’s host: the New Rebel Wilson and her take on Will Smith before…well, you know. I forgot that Will & his wife Jada Pinkett have made public — they’re having an open marriage. Spoiler Alert, I see where Rebel was going with that joke.

Now the stage is set for the 94th Academy Awards. Will (Smith) the voting be cast similarly to that of the SAG, et al voters?

Seems who cares sorta, ’cause, outta nowhere it seemed, Will Smith got pissed at Chris Rock’s G.I. Jane joke aimed at Jada’s shaved-head hair style. Will walked over from his ring-side table to the stage and bitch-slapped Chris in front of zillions of people. Then, from his seat afterwards, he tongue bashed ’em with a couple of ‘F’ bombs. You see, those-in-the-know, knew that Will’s wife Jada Pickett, struggles with the hair loss condition: Alopecia. Chris’ joke perhaps, went below the belt for Ali to see. Click to View

Was Will’s slap real…or was it not? Who will tell. My money was on Chris for regrouping so coolly and convincingly. But the Academy had their own winner. Yep, Will took home another award (Male Actor in a Leading Role) — The Big Kahuna itself — Oscar…Oscar! All with a tearful and heart-felt (except for Chris) acceptance speech. Of course the internet was abuzz with nothing else but the memes of stills of the S-L-A-P between Will & Chris, albeit with different Photo-Shopped heads. Check out the two Vlads below havin a GO.

Hey, it ain’t exactly Chris Rock getting his so called comeuppance, but if you want to see other famous comedians (one named Chris) battle-it-out with each other, check out a Celebrity DeathMatch I performed as Chris Tucker doin a ‘Nite of the Living Dead’ number on comedian Steven Wright’s G-U-T-S — back in the day. Click —

by:+Tom Clifford, VoiceOver & Creative Services

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Tom Clifford
Tom Clifford

Written by Tom Clifford

International VoiceOver Artist and Production

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